Oil Paintings
Come From United Kingdom
An option that you can own an 100% hand-painted oil painting from our talent artists. |
Tom Thomson (August 5, 1877 - July 8, 1917), also known as Tom Thomson, was an influential Canadian artist of the early 20th century. He directly influenced a group of Canadian painters that would come to be known as the Group of Seven, and though he died before they formally formed, he is sometimes incorrectly credited as being a member of the group itself. Thomson died under mysterious circumstances, which added to his mystique.
Tom Thomson Oil sketch for The Jack Pine 1916
Tom Thomson Painting of Mount Earnslaw oil on canvas, 670 x 965 mm
Date 1883(1883)
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Tom Thomson
(August 5, 1877 - July 8, 1917), also known as Tom Thomson, was an influential Canadian artist of the early 20th century. He directly influenced a group of Canadian painters that would come to be known as the Group of Seven, and though he died before they formally formed, he is sometimes incorrectly credited as being a member of the group itself. Thomson died under mysterious circumstances, which added to his mystique.